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Friday 29th September 2023
13:45 Welcome and introduction
Renal Cell Carcinoma (Tobias Klatte, Anna Patrikidou, Ursula Vogl)
14:00 Small renal mass: Surveillance of active treatment? (T. Klatte, Berlin)
14:30 Adjuvant therapy for ccRCC – How to select patients? (U. Vogl, Bellinzona)
15:00 First-line mccRCC: do all patients needs an IO-TKI combination? (A. Patrikidou, Villejuif)
15:50 Coffee break
Testicular Cancer and Penile Cancer (Anja Lorch, Jörg Beyer, Christian Fankhauser)
16:20 Micro-RNA in testicular cancer: how to make best use of the new diagnostic tool? (A. Lorch, Zürich)
16:50 Metastatic germ-cell tumours: Practical tips and tricks in the management of systemic therapy (J. Beyer, Bern)
17:20 Penile cancer: What is the current state of the art? (C. Fankhauser, Luzern)
17:50 Case discussion (Moderation: Chairs)
18:15 Adjourn and Dinner
Saturday 30th September 2023
Prostate Cancer (Eva Comperat, Robert Förster, Thomas Hermanns, Aurelius Omlin)
08:00 What can the clinicians learn from the pathologist? (E. Comperat, Wien)
08:30 High-risk localized or node positive prostate cancer – the radiation oncologists perspective (R. Förster, Winterthur)
09:00 High-risk localized or node positive prostate cancer – the urologists perspective (T. Hermanns, Zürich)
09:30 mCRPC: Combination of PARP and ARPI – for all patients or only for Biomarker selected patients? (A. Omlin, Zürich)
10:20 Coffee break
Urothelial Carcinoma (Eva Comperat, Tobias Klatte, Verane Achard, Richard Cathomas)
Muscle invasive bladder cancer:
10:40 The pathologists view – Can we use the pathology and/or the molecular classification for decision making? (E. Comperat, Wien)
11:10 The urologists view: the bladder must be removed (T. Klatte, Berlin)
11:40 The radiation oncologists view: The bladder must be preserved (V. Achard, Fribourg)
12:10 Standard systemic therapy for muscle invasive urothelial carcinoma 2023 (R. Cathomas, Chur)
12:40 Award for best case presentation (A. Omlin, Zürich)
12:45 End