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Fully virtual workshop.
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Friday 23rd April 2021
13:45 Welcome and introduction (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
Multidisciplinary Management of Kidney Cancer (A. Lorch, U. Vogl)
13:50 Local treatment of the primary tumor in the Metastatic situation in 2021 – who needs surgery? (A. Mattei, Luzern)
14:20 Systemic therapy for clear-cell mRCC (U. Vogl, Bellinzona)
14:50 Systemic therapy for non-clear cell mRCC (D. Berthold, Lausanne)
15:20 Case presentation by attendees/discussion (C. Cisarovsky, Lausanne / L. Marandino, Bellinzona)
15:45 Coffee break
Management of locally advanced node positive prostate cancer (T. Hermanns, D. Zwahlen)
16:15 Surgical Approach to node positive prostate cancer (cN+) (T. Maurer, Hamburg)
16:45 Radiation therapy management of cN1 or pN1 (M0) prostate cancer (D. Zwahlen, Winterthur)
17:15 Systemic therapy for men with cN1 or pN1 prostate cancer (S. Gillessen, Bellinzona)
17:45 Case presentation by attendees/discussion (F. Schmid, Zürich / A. Neuenschwander, St. Gallen)
18:30 Adjourn
Saturday 24th April 2021
Testicular Cancer (S. Gillessen, A. Lorch)
08:00 Management of Stage II seminoma (A. Papachristofilou, Basel)
08:30 Management of residual mass after primary chemo-therapy in metastatic testicular cancer (J. Beyer, Bern)
09:00 Management of intermediate and poor prognosis germ-cell carcinoma of the testis (A. Lorch, Zürich)
09:30 Case presentation by attendees/discussion (C. Fankhauser, Luzern / E. Bührer, Bern)
10:00 Coffee break
Urothelial carcinoma (A. Templeton, T. Maurer)
10:30 Management of upper tract urothelial carcinoma (T. Hermanns, Zürich)
11:00 Systemic therapy for localized muscle-invasive bladder cancer in 2021 (A. Templeton, Basel)
11:30 New targets for metastatic urothelial carcinoma (A. Omlin, St. Gallen)
12:00 Wrap up (A. Omlin, T. Hermanns, D. Zwahlen)
12:15 End
Workshop organizers:
PD Dr. Aurelius Omlin, Medical Oncology
Prof. Daniel Zwahlen, Radio-Oncology
Dr. Thomas Hermanns, Urology