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Cancelled due to Corona-virus. The meeting will be postponed to next year.
Friday 13th November 2020
13:15 Welcome and introduction (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
Localized Colon Cancer (M. Hübner)
13:20 Complete mesocolic excision and D3 dissection: new standard of care? (D. Christoforidis, Lugano)
13:45 PRODIGE7, Colopeg, Prophylochip: Has HIPEC died? (M. Hübner, Lausanne)
14:10 Implications of liquid biopsies in resected colorectal cancer patients (T. Kössler, Genève)
14:35 HNPCC: diagnosis and practical implications (C. Weisshaupt, St. Gallen)
15:00 Interactive case presentations (U. Güller / M. Hübner)
15:30 Coffee break
Rectal cancer (C. Weisshaupt)
16:00 Neoadjuvant RT/CRT in locally advanced rectal cancer patients is the standard of care
- Pro (O. Riesterer, Aarau)
- Contra (M. Montemurro, Lausanne)
16:45 Surgical resection: Innovations and standard in 2020 (D. Hahnloser, Lausanne)
17:10 Watch and wait after neoadjuvant chemoradiation
- The Dutch experience (G. Beets, Amsterdam)
- Imaging (R. Beets-Tan, Amsterdam)
18:00 Interactive case presentations (U. Güller / M. Hübner)
18:30 Adjourn
Saturday 14th November 2020
Advanced Colorectal cancer (U. Güller)
08:00 Duration of adjuvant chemotherapy: 3 or 6 months? (U. Güller, St. Gallen)
08:25 What is new in metastatic colorectal cancer? (A. Wicki, Liestal)
08:50 SIRT in advanced colorectal cancer: how and for whom? (L. Hechelhammer, St. Gallen)
09:15 Should we perform NGS panels in all patients with metastatic colorectal cancer? (D. Köberle, Basel)
09:40 Interactive case presentation (U. Güller / M. Hübner)
10:00 Coffee break
Small bowel, appendix (T. Kössler)
10:30 Appendiceal tumors: Entities and treatment modalities (K. Lehmann, Zürich)
10:55 Systemic treatment for small bowel adenocarcinoma: Treat as colon cancer, or differently? ( A. Digklia, Lausanne)
11:20 Treatment options in advanced neuroendocrine tumors of the small bowel (R. Winterhalder, Luzern)
11:50 Wrap up, feedback, award: best case presentation (U. Güller / M. Hübner)
12:15 End