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Friday 15th November 2019
13:30 Welcome and introduction (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
Gastric Cancer (U. Güller, St. Gallen)
13:35 Systemic treatment for metastatic gastric cancer (T. Kössler, Genève)
14:05 Surgical approach for localized gastric cancer: how much and how? (M. Schäfer, Lausanne)
14:35 Peritoneal disease: what now? (M. Pocard, Paris)
15:05 Interactive case presentations (U. Güller, M. Hübner)
15:30 Coffee break
Esophageal Cancer (M. Schäfer, Lausanne)
15:45 Preoperative work-up and patient selection (S. Möning, Genève)
16:05 Endoscopic treatment options (S. Godat, Lausanne)
16:25 Radio-(chemo)therapy: pre-operative, post-operative or definitive? (S. Bodis, Aarau)
16:45 Esophagectomy: How I do it (P. Allemann, Lausanne)
17:05 Nutrition in GI Cancer patients (M. Hübner, Lausanne)
17:45 Interactive case presentations (U. Güller, M. Hübner)
18:15 Adjourn
Saturday 16th November 2019
Pancreatic Cancer (M. Hübner, Lausanne)
08:00 Surgery: possibilities and limits (B. Gloor, Bern)
08:30 Chemotherapy: when, for whom, how? (U. Güller, St. Gallen)
09:00 Immunotherapy in upper GI cancer: hype or hope? (A. Wicki, Liestal)
09:30 Interactive case presentations (U. Güller, M. Hübner)
10:00 Coffee break
Hepatocellular Cancer
10:30 Surgical treatments: Resection and liver transplantation (P. Dutowsky, Zürich)
11:00 Local-ablative treatments: SIRT, RFA, TAE, TACE (L. Hechelhammer, St. Gallen)
11:30 Systemic therapy of HCC (R. Winterhalder, Luzern)
12:00 Wrap up, feedback, award: best case presentation (U. Güller, M. Hübner)