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Friday 14th November 2008
14:00 Welcome and Introduction (Monica Castiglione/Rolf Stahel)
14:15 Radiology: Is MRI use still controversial? (Rahel Kubik-Huch)
15:00 Any news in the surgical treatment of breast cancer? Has sentinel lymph node procedure pitfalls? Late complications? (Daniel Fink)
15:45 Coffee break
16:15 Radiation therapy for in situ carcinoma: still a controversy? (Gunther Gruber)
17:00 Familiality: what do we need to know? (Olivia Pagani)
17:45 “Evidence based medicine” in the approach to early breast cancer. Case reports and discussion about:
19:00 Adjourn
Saturday 15th November 2008
08:00 Pathology of breast cancer: still useful in the aera of gene expression profiling? (Giuseppe Viale)
08:45 Breast cancer and translational research: how can we integrate them? News? (Christos Sotiriou)
09:30 News in the adjuvant setting: what is not controversial? (Beat Thürlimann)
10:15 Coffee break
10:45 Review on activated protocols in early breast cancer (Manuela Rabaglio)
11:30 “Evidence based medicine” in the approach of advanced early breast cancer. Case reports and discussion about:
Preparation of cases: Monica Castiglione, Olivia Pagani, Manuela Rabaglio, Christa Baumann
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Breast cancer in the young (Stefan Aebi)
14:30 Breast cancer in the old (Christa Baumann)
15:00 Conclusions and closure (Monica Castiglione/Rolf Stahel)