Decision making therapy of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (Stahel)
13:15 Potential and pitfalls of pathology and molecular analysis (Soltermann)
13:45 EGFR mutation: EGFR pathway and selection of first line therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (Cappuzzo)
14:15 Lung non-squamous cell carcinoma (without EGFR mutations) and good performance status: Choice of chemotherapy, targeted agent and questions of maintenance therapy (Stahel)
14:45 Coffee break
15:00 Non-small cell lung cancer and poor performance status or co-morbidities: More or less chemotherapy? (Gautschi)
15:30 Oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer: How to decide about surgery? (Venuta)
16:00 Brain metastasis: The possibilities of radiotherapy (van Houtte)
16:30 Case discussions
17:15 Coffee break
Prevention and early detection (Weder)
17:30 Smoking cessation (Brutsche)
18:00 Lung cancer screening (Boffetta)
18:30 Adjourn
Saturday 24th October 2009
08:30 New TNM Quiz (van Houtte)
Thymoma and selected mediastinal tumors (Weder)
09:00 Pathology of mediastinal tumors (Soltermann)
09:20 Multimodality therapy of mediastinal tumors (Weder)
09:40 Case discussions
10:00 Coffee break
Second line and further therapy (Stahel)
10:30 How to decide in view of recent developments? (Pless)
11:00 Case discussions
Adjuvant therapy (Weder)
11:30 What are the developments in adjuvant therapy (Betticher)
12:00 Lunch
The heterogeneity of stage III disease and patient selection (Betticher)