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Friday 19th November 2010
13:30 Welcome and introduction (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
13:35 Head/neck and lung tumor (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
Personalizing therapy and today’s best clinical practices in head/neck and lung cancer
13:45 Current best clinical practices using systemic therapy for treating head/neck tumor (M. Pless, Winterthur)
14:15 Current best clinical practices using systemic therapy for treating NSCLC (R. Stahel, Zürich)
14:45 Case presentation and electronic voting: first line therapy+maintenance (Electronic voting) (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
14:55 Maintenance Therapy in NSCLC – PRO (R. Stahel, Zürich)
15:05 Maintenance Therapy in NSCLC – CONTRA (Electronic voting) (S. Peters, Lausanne)
15:15 Coffee break
NSCLC - a pot of different diseases
15:45 Histologies and molecular biologies: routine practice and new developments (L. Bubendorf, Basel)
16:15 Predictive factors for head/neck and lung cancer: ripe for clinical use? (O. Gautschi, Bern)
16:45 Therapy based on the alteration of the EGFR gene and response to therapy, today’s standard (N. Thatcher, Manchester)
17:15 Targeted therapies beyond the EGFR gene mutation (E. Felip, Barcelona)
17:45 Round table, case presentations by the attendees, discussion (O. Gautschi, Bern/M. Pless, Winterthur/D. Betticher, Fribourg)
18:30 Adjourn
Saturday 20th November 2010
Therapies in head/neck cancer
08:00 Concomitant radio-chemotherapy in head and neck cancer (A. Allal, Fribourg)
08:30 Targeted therapies in head and neck cancer (J. B. Vermorken, Brussels)
09:00 Case presentation: large head/neck tumor, induction chemotherapy with/without radiotherapy? (Electronic voting) (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
09:10 Induction chemo-radiotherapy – CONTRA (A. Allal, Fribourg)
09:20 Induction chemo-radiotherapy – PRO (Electronic voting) (J. B. Vermorken, Brussels)
09:30 Coffee break
Localized NSCLC and head/neck tumor – which is the best therapy
10:00 Importance of multidisciplinarity in the therapy of lung and head/neck tumors (W. Weder, Zürich)
10:30 Neoadjuvant combined therapy in localized NSCLC (S. Peters, Lausanne)
11:00 Adjuvant radiotherapy in radical resected NSCLC and Head and neck tumor (M. Ozsahin, Lausanne)
11:30 Case presentation: small peripheral adenocarcinoma in a patient with poor lung function (Electronic voting) (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
11:40 Segmentectomy – YES (W. Weder, Zürich)
11:50 Radio-surgery – YES (Electronic voting) (M. Ozsahin, Lausane)
12:00 Lunch
New developments in NSCLC and head/neck tumors
13:00 What if resistant to TKI in patients with EGFR mutated tumors (E. Felip, Barcelona)
13:30 New targeted therapies in head/neck tumors, current studies, hopes for the future (J. B. Vermorken, Brussels)
14:00 New targeted therapies in NSCLC, current studies, hopes for the future (N. Thatcher, Manchester)
14:30 Wrap-up and conclusions (D. Betticher, Fribourg)