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Friday 9th April 2010
13:30 Welcome and introduction
Localised Prostate Cancer
13:45 “PSA screening: The double edged sword” (Fritz Schröder, Rotterdam)
14:15 “Arguments for/against surgery” (Arnulf Stenzl, Tübingen)
14:45 “Arguments for/against radiotherapy” (Deborah Kuban, Houston)
15:15 Case discussion (Patrice Jichlinski, Lausanne/Daniel Zwahlen, Zurich)
15:45 Coffee break
16:20 “The new gleason score” (Lukas Bubendorf, Basel)
Management of nodal positive and metastatic prostate cancer
16:45 “View of the surgeon” (Hubert John, Winterthur)
17:05 “View of the radiation oncologist” (Rob Bristow, Toronto)
17:20 “Management of the castration resistant prostate cancer” (Eleni Efstathiou, Athens)
17:45 Case discussion (Hubert John, Winterthur/Silke Gillessen, St. Gallen)
18:15 Adjourn
Saturday 10th April 2010
Management of renal cell cancer
08:30 “Localised renal cell tumors – nephron sparing interventional techniques” (Michael Marberger, Vienna)
09:00 “Surgical techniques” (Didier Jacqmin, Strasbourg)
09:30 “Novel systemic treatment options” (Thomas Powles, London)
10:00 Case discussion (Patrice Jichlinski, Lausanne/Silke Gillessen, St. Gallen)
10:30 Coffee break
Management of non muscle invasive bladder tumors
11:00 “The urologists view: Current standard and news” (Patrice Jichlinski, Lausanne)
11:30 “News from radiation oncology – Is there any role for hyperthermia combined with radiotherapy?” (Stephan Bodis, Aarau)
11:45 Case discussion (Patrice Jichlinski, Lausanne)
12:00 Lunch