14:45 Diagnostics: What is new in endoscopic imaging, endosonography and endo-interventions ? Indication, ressources and techniques (Peter Bauerfeind, Zürich)
15:30 Overview on treatment, targeted therapies and current controversies -role of EGFR-blockade in combined modality treatment (Thomas Ruhstaller, St. Gallen)
16:00 Coffee break
16:15 Better therapeutic index with image guided high precision radiotherapy combined with targeted agents? (Frank Zimmermann, Basel)
16:30 Value of surgery after chemoradiation - resect it or leave it? Does histology, stage and localisation influence the surgical approach? (Alain Sauvanet, Paris)
17:00 Case discussions (Panel, N.N.)
18:00 Adjourn
Saturday 16th January 2010
09:00 The gist of gastrointestinal stromal tumors 2010 (Michael Montemurro, Lausanne)
Multimodal treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer
09:30 Molecular steps in CRC development - ready for targeted therapy? (Alessandro Lugli, Basel)
10:15 Coffee break
Antibodies and kinase inhibitors turn obsolete any local treatment of liver metastases - Pro and Cons
10:30 Yttrium-Beads embedded in a multimodal concept of surgery, targeted therapies and chemo (Harpreet Wasan, London)
11:15 Interventional treatment with radiofrequency or cryotherapy (Alban Denys, Lausanne)
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Lesion downsizing by antibodies and chemotherapy followed by metastasectomies "à la carte" (Gilles Mentha, Genève)
14:00 Indication and techniques of pulmonary metastasectomies: Same principles as in liver mets or not yet? (Walter Weder, Zürich)