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Friday 14th September 2012
13:30 Welcome and introduction
Localised Prostate Cancer (S. Bodis, M. Spahn)
13:45 Who needs surgery (G. Thalmann, Bern)
14:00 Who needs active surveillance (M. Spahn, Bern)
14:10 Who needs radiotherapy (S. Bodis, Aarau)
14:25 Is there a role for neoadjuvant/adjuvant chemotherapy (K. Fizazi, Villejuif)
14:35 Case Discussions (Cases by S. Bodis, G. Thalmann and M. Spahn) Panel: G. Thalmann, S. Bodis, M. Spahn, K. Fizazi
15:00 Break
15:20 When and how long do you need hormone treatment (incl. side effects)? (T. Steuber, Hamburg)
16:20 Coffee break
Metastatic Prostate Cancer (S. Gillessen, G. Thalmann)
16:45 Strategic decisions for systemic treatments - Bone targeting (K. Fizazi, Villejuif)
17:25 Strategic decisions for systemic treatments - Castration resistant metastatic disease (R. Cathomas, Chur)
18:00 Case Discussions (Cases by R. Cathomas)
18:30 Adjourn
Saturday 15th September 2012
Germ Cell Tumors and Renal Cell Cancer (K. Fizazi, A. Stenzl)
08:30 Germ Cell Tumors: Update 2012, News of the last European Consensus Meeting and Case Discussions (J. Beyer, Berlin)
09:30 Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer: Update 2012 and Case Discussions (F. Stenner, Zürich)
10:30 Coffee break
Localised Bladder Cancer (R. Cathomas, G. Thalmann)
11:00 Surgical Approaches including perioperative therapies (A. Stenzl, Tübingen)
11:30 Organ-sparing Approaches (D. Zwahlen, Chur)
12:00 Case Discussions (A. Stenzl/D. Zwahlen)
12:30 Sandwich Lunch and Wrap up