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Friday 1st February 2013
14:00 Welcome and introduction (R. Stahel, Zürich)
NSCLC – new techniques (W. Weder)
14:05 PET/CT – new developments (J. Prior, Lausanne)
14:35 Molecular diagnostics: Microchips, genomic sequencing, miRNA or proteomics? (L. Bubendorf, Basel)
15:05 New diagnostic and intervention tools in pulmonology (V. Ninane, Brussels)
15:35 Coffee break
NSCLC – new techniques (M. Pless)
16:00 New developments in surgical techniques (W. Weder, Zürich)
16:30 New developments in radiotherapy (R. Dziadziuszko, Gdansk)
17:00 Case presentations (one case T4 NSCLC and one case thymic carcinoma) (S. Peters / D. Betticher)
17:10 Discussion and preparation of a therapy plan in small groups (2 groups)
17:35 Presentation of therapy plan and discussion (round table) (S. Peters / D. Betticher)
Short presentation (5 min) on thymic malignancy:
-The role of chemotherapy (R. Stahel, Zürich)
-The role of radiotherapy (R. Dziadziuszko, Gdansk)
-The role of surgery (W. Weder, Zürich)
18:30 Adjourn
Saturday 2nd February 2013
Development in targeted therapies (O. Gautschi)
08:00 Chemotherapy and targeted therapies, which, when, why? (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
08:30 Pathways and resistance development in NSCLC carcinomas and their drugs (S. Peters, Lausanne)
09:00 New pathways to be targeted (A. Adjei, Buffalo)
09:30 Coffee break
Targeted therapies in daily practice (D. Betticher)
10:00 Case reports (interactive) (O. Gautschi/M. Pless)
Special situations – sharing thoughts (S. Peters)
11:00 Therapy of pleural effusions, modern techniques (D. Lardinois, Basel)
11:30 Brain metastases and meningitis carcinomatosa, a palliative situation? (R. Dziadziuszko, Gdansk)
12:00 Break
Future developments in NSCLC (R. Stahel)
12:45 Lung cancer screening, ripe for all smokers? (V. Ninane, Brussels)
13:15 The Swiss screening initiative (T. Frauenfelder, Zürich)
13:35 Heterogeneity of NSCLC tumours, the reason for impossible cure? (A. Adjei, Buffalo)
14:05 Wrap-up and conclusions (S. Peters, Lausanne)
14:20 End