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Friday 9th October 2015
13:30 Welcome and introduction (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
Pathology (D. Betticher)
13:35 Lung pathology at the era of 2015 WHO classification and ongoing segmentation based on oncogenic events (I. Letovanec, Lausanne)
Standards in NSCLC treatments (S. Peters)
14:05 Multidisciplinary management of locally advanced NSCLC (M. Pless, Winterthur)
14:35 No target in advanced disease, which therapies? (D. Betticher, Fribourg)
15:05 Known targets, which therapies in 1st, 2nd and 3rd line? (O. Gautschi, Luzern)
15:35 Coffee break
Immunotherapy in NSCLC (R. Stahel)
16:00 Checkpoint inhibitors. How does it work and available data? (S. Peters, Lausanne)
16:30 Combination strategies (D. Carbone, Columbus)
17:00 How has/will immunotherapy enter the NSCLC treatment portfolio including ongoing clinical and translational (A. Zippelius, Basel)
Mesothelioma (M. Pless)
17:30 Which radiotherapy? (O. Riesterer, Zürich)
18:00 Which systemic treatment? (R. Stahel, Zürich)
18:30 Adjourn
Saturday 10th October 2015
SCLC (D. Betticher)
08:00 New chemotherapy options? (N. Mach, Genève)
08:30 PCI or no PCI, thoracic RT or not, when, how, to whom? (S. Senan, Amsterdam)
09:00 Resection, an option? (J. Perentes, Lausanne)
09:30 Coffee break
Interactive session and case presentations (R. Stahel)
10:00 Daily practice in the treatment of NSCLC, examples (A. Curioni, Zürich/S. Zimmermann, Fribourg)
Challenges and new developments (S. Peters)
11:00 Have new radiotherapy technologies improved outcomes in lung cancer (S. Senan, Amsterdam)
11:20 Combination radiotherapy and targeted therapies (O. Riesterer, Zürich)
11:40 Combination TKI and immunotherapy (D. Carbone, Columbus)
12.00 Wrap-up and conclusions (S. Peters, Lausanne)