Overtreatment and de-escalation perspectives (O. Gautschi, Luzern)
13:40 Medical Oncology (A. Wicki, Zürich)
14:00 Radio-Oncology (D. Zwahlen, Winterthur)
14:20 Cancer surgery (F. Grass, Lausanne)
14:40 How can geriatric oncology help? (M. Vetter, Liestal)
15:00 Clinical utility of screening tools and scores (V. Dougoud, Fribourg)
15:202 cases and discussion (organized by V. Dougoud)
16:00 Coffee break
How to make good guidelines (S. Peters, Lausanne)
16:20 Do we still need randomized trials? (U. Dafni, Athens)
16:40 Who and what defines clinical benefit? (E. de Vries, Groninge)
17:00 How to assess patient reported outcomes? (K. Jordan, Heidelberg)
17:20 How I read clinical papers (T. Olivier, Genève)
17:40 Cancer drug access reimbursement and pricing: Switzerland (D. Kohler, Biel)
18:05 Cancer drug access reimbursement and pricing: International (K. Vokinger, Zürich)
18:30 Adjourn and Dinner
Saturday 7th October 2023
Stakeholder viewpoints (O. Gautschi, Luzern)
08:00 Previous and ongoing SAKK trials (S. Rothschild, Baden)
08:30 Cancer drug access, reimbursement and pricing abroad (K. Tay-Teo, Genève)
09:15 Case and discussion (organized by O. Gautschi)
09:45 Coffee break
10:15 Role of the Swiss Cancer League (S. Peters, Lausanne)
10:45 Case and discussion (organized by O. Gautschi)
11:45 Wrap up and award for best case presentation (S. Peters, Lausanne)
12:00 End
We kindly invite participants to present their own cases. To submit a case for presentation please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. No registration and accommodation fee applies for selected case presentations. The best case presentation of the workshop will be awarded an iPad!