13:45 Welcome and introduction (S. Peters, Lausanne)
Classification of lymphomas (U. Novak, Bern)
13:50ICC 2022 & WHO 5th edition (Y. Banz, Bern)
14:30Implications for the clinician (C. Renner, Zürich)
Statistical aspects (U. Novak, Bern)
14:50Subgroups in recent lymphoma trials (B. Kasenda, Basel)
15:30Case presentation by attendees/discussion
15:45Coffee break
Hodgkin’s lymphoma (N. Lang, Geneva)
16:15First-line options (J. Ferdinandus, Cologne)
16:35Radiotherapy: do new techniques matter? (C. Ionescu, Bern)
16:55Cardiovascular side effects (T. Suter, Bern)
17:40Case presentation by attendees/discussion
18:30Adjourn and Dinner
Saturday 11th November 2023
CARs vs. bispecifics (D. Schneidawind, Zürich)
08:00 CARs (F. Simonetta, Geneva)
08:30 Bispecific antibodies (T. Zenz, Zürich)
09:00 How to chose the best option (F. Keil, Wien)
09:30 Case presentation by attendees/discussion
10:00 Coffee break
Spotlight on specific entities (U. Mey, Chur)
10:30 Mantle-cell lymphomas (M. Fehr, St. Gallen)
11:00 Cutaneous lymphomas (A. De Masson, Paris)
11:30 Follicular lymphoma (E. Zucca, Bellinzona)
12:00 Wrap up and prize (U. Novak, Bern)
12:15 End
We kindly invite participants to present their own cases. To submit a case for presentation please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. No registration and accommodation fee applies for selected case presentations. The best case presentation of the workshop will be awarded an iPad!